Self Defence

Women’s Self defence “making women more than equal”
A potentially life-saving must-have for every woman in today’s world.
A specifically designed self defence course to enable women and children of all ages to keep themselves safe. This course has also been tailored to the requirements of the young adult at school. (This course has been successfully delivered throughout a number of schools with positive feedback).
The course contains both theory and practice. It covers awareness, prevention, vulnerable areas, your body’s natural defences and how to use them to protect yourself and much more. It is also fun, the children love it and it builds confidence.
Welcome to a refreshingly honest and down to earth programme of specially researched and adapted ‘self defence’ courses designed specifically for the normal everyday non-violent person.
Where you are not expected to try to become a martial arts master in three easy lessons. This is not Kung fu or Karate under a different name.
We deal in reality.
Firstly, we will show you what happens and what to do when taken by surprise. The startle flinch. Then we will show you what to look for to help prevent being caught by surprise; how to recognise the trouble signs and potential problems, the habits and rituals of the aggressors and how to avoid or deal with them.
How to put up a ‘fence’ between you and any aggressor.
We will explain what happens to you and your body (and your attacker) during confrontational situations – the ‘shakes’, ‘freezing up’ etc and how to overcome these problems of the ‘adrenal dump’.
We will show you how to hit back, what with and where to.
For both the ‘tipsy relative at the wedding reception’ and the violent stranger down the dark alley’.
Not just the regulation “attacker stands in front and throws a punch”, but also the grabs, strangles & chokes and grabbing your hair, as well as attacks and advances from behind, whilst sitting down or getting someone off you from the floor.
We also dispel the myths about rape and discuss the reality.
We also include defending against the ever increasing problem of knife and gun attacks.
And finally we will explain how you really stand in regards to the law.
A dedicated schools, syllabus, incorporating the “every child matters” initiative of Keeping Safe. (Instructors are enhanced CRB checked), and a corporate syllabus, embracing the “employer’s duty of care” for all staff welfare.
It is also fun & enjoyable as well as being practical, informative, and building confidence.
Please contact us for further details and to clarify your individual requirements.