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Natural Movement

The ultimate way to build a fit, strong and healthy body.

Use your own body weight and your environment to create a perfectly honed body and mind using natural, practical, effective & efficient movements. Fit to take on anything in your path.

Encompassing a similar ethos to MovNat (Frank is one of just a handful of top Level 2 Certified MovNat Trainers in the UK – and one of the original trailblazers that certified back in the first 2012 UK certification) but with extra movement patterns gained and collected through years of training and experience (he is now 63 – but moves like someone half his age), from a wide range of disciplines including Dance, Rope, Martial Arts, Yoga, Chi Gung and others in the same vein as Ido Portal.

For those that want a superior fit and healthy body. More than just a mindless bootcamp of repetitive impractical exercises, this is practical training for functional superior results with options including barefoot running, wild swimming and combat practices. Interact with your natural environment, & leave the gyms for the uninformed. We aim for the practical body of a ninja or panther not the tight dysfunctionalbody of a poser, bodybuilder or someone that solely specialises in one discipline.

Mov Nat

Natural body real-life movement & fitness including running, jumping, climbing, balance and more. For all ages and abilities. Rediscover the child inside and grow into a more able adult.

Mov Nat is a physical education and fitness system based on training the full range of our natural human movement.

Mov Nat is for everyone – it is progressive & safe.
It supports physical competence & conditioning for any area of life.
We don’t take the gym outdoors – outdoors is our gym.
Mov Nat skills cover 3 areas: Locomotive, Manipulative & Combative
Locomotive: walking, running, jumping, balancing, crawling, climbing & swimming
Manipulative: lifting, carrying, throwing & catching
Combative: striking & grappling

Our Mov Nat Fundamental Workshops, include the locomotive & manipulative skills (except swimming). Get fit whilst having fun, learning & practicing practical natural body movements you can use every day of your life.